In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to evaluate different aspects of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) using Evidently.

We’ll demonstrate a local open-source workflow, viewing results as a pandas dataframe and a visual report — ideal for Jupyter or Colab. At the end, we also show how to upload results to the Evidently Platform. If you are in a non-interactive Python environment, choose this option.

We will evaluate both retrieval and generation quality:

  • Retrieval. Assessing the quality of retrieved contexts, including per-chunk relevance.

  • Generation. Evaluating the quality of the final response, both with and without ground truth.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll know how to evaluate different aspects of a RAG system, and generate structured reports to track RAG performance.

Run a sample notebook: Jupyter notebook or open it in Colab.

To simplify things, we won’t create an actual RAG app, but will simulate getting scored outputs.

1. Installation and Imports

Install Evidently:

!pip install evidently[llm]

Import the required modules:

import pandas as pd

from evidently.future.datasets import Dataset
from evidently.future.datasets import DataDefinition
from evidently.future.datasets import Descriptor
from evidently.future.descriptors import *

from import Report
from evidently.future.presets import TextEvals
from evidently.future.metrics import *
from evidently.future.tests import *

from import CloudWorkspace

Pass your OpenAI key as an environment variable:

import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "YOUR_KEY"

2. Evaluating Retrieval

Single Context

First, let’s test retrieval quality when a single context is retrieved for each query.

Generate a synthetic dataset. We create a simple dataset with questions, retrieved contexts, and generated responses.

synthetic_data = [

    ["Why do flowers bloom in spring?",
     "Plants require extra care during cold months. You should keep them indoors.",
     "because of the rising temperatures"],

    ["Why do we yawn when we see someone else yawn?",
     "Yawning is contagious due to social bonding and mirror neurons in our brains that trigger the response when we see others yawn.",
     "because it's a glitch in the matrix"],

    ["How far is Saturn from Earth?",
     "The distance between Earth and Saturn varies, but on average, Saturn is about 1.4 billion kilometers (886 million miles) away from Earth.",
     "about 1.4 billion kilometers"],

    ["Where do penguins live?",
     "Penguins primarily live in the Southern Hemisphere, with most species found in Antarctica, as well as on islands and coastlines of South America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.",
     "mostly in Antarctica and southern regions"],

columns = ["Question", "Context", "Response"]
synthetic_df = pd.DataFrame(synthetic_data, columns=columns)

To be able to preview a full-with pandas dataset.

pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)

Evaluate overall context quality. We first assess whether the retrieved context provides sufficient information to answer the question and view results as a pandas dataframe.

context_based_evals = Dataset.from_pandas(
    data_definition=DataDefinition(text_columns=["Question", "Context", "Response"]),
    descriptors=[ContextQualityLLMEval("Context", question="Question")]

What happened in this code:

You can also choose a different evaluator LLM or modify the prompt. See LLM judge parameters.

Here is what you get:

Evaluate chunk relevance. You can also score the relevance of the chunk using a different ContextRelevance metric.

context_based_evals = Dataset.from_pandas(
    data_definition=DataDefinition(text_columns=["Question", "Context", "Response"]),
    descriptors=[ContextRelevance("Question", "Context", 

In this case you will get a binary “Hit” on whether the context is relevant or not.

It’s more useful for multiple context, though.

Multiple Contexts

RAG systems often retrieve multiple chunks. In this case, we can assess the relevance of each individual chunk first.

Let’s generate a toy dataset. Pass all contexts as a list.

synthetic_data = [
    ["Why are bananas healthy?", ["Bananas are rich in potassium.", "Bananas provide quick energy.", "Are bananas actually a vegetable?"], "because they are rich in nutrients"],
    ["How do you cook potatoes?", ["Potatoes are easy to grow.", "The best way to cook potatoes is to eat them raw.", "Can potatoes be cooked in space?"], "boil, bake, or fry them"]
columns = ["Question", "Context", "Response"]
synthetic_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(synthetic_data, columns=columns)

Hit Rate. To aggregate the results per query, we can assess if at least one retrieved chunk contains relevant information (Hit).

context_based_evals = Dataset.from_pandas(
    data_definition=DataDefinition(text_columns=["Question", "Context", "Response"]),
    descriptors=[ContextRelevance("Question", "Context", 

You can see the list of individual relevance scores that appear in the same order as your chunks.

Mean Relevance. Alternatively, you can compute an average relevance score.

context_based_evals = Dataset.from_pandas(
    data_definition=DataDefinition(text_columns=["Question", "Context", "Response"]),
    descriptors=[ContextRelevance("Question", "Context", 

Here is an example result:

3. Evaluating Generation

With Ground Truth

If you a have ground truth dataset for RAG, you can compare the generated responses against known correct answers.

Synthetic data. You can generate a ground truth dataset for your RAG using Evidently Platform.

Let’s generate a new toy example with “target” column:

synthetic_data = [
    ["Why do we yawn?", "because it's a glitch in the matrix", "Due to mirror neurons."],
    ["Why do flowers bloom?", "Because of rising temperatures", "Because it gets warmer."]
columns = ["Question", "Response", "Target"]
synthetic_df_3 = pd.DataFrame(synthetic_data, columns=columns)

There are multiple ways to run this comparison, including LLM-based matching (CorrectnessLLMEval) and non-LLM methods like Semantic similarity and BERTScore. Let’s run all three at once, but we’d recommend choosing the one:

context_based_evals = Dataset.from_pandas(
    data_definition=DataDefinition(text_columns=["Question", "Response", "Target"]),
        CorrectnessLLMEval("Response", target_output="Target"),
        BERTScore(columns=["Response", "Target"], alias="BERTScore"),
        SemanticSimilarity(columns=["Response", "Target"], alias="Semantic Similarity")

Here is what you get:

Editing the LLM prompt. You can tweak the definition of correctness to your own liking. Here is an example tutorial on how we tune a correctness descriptor prompt.

Without Ground Truth

If you don’t have reference answers, you can use reference-free LLM judges to assess response quality. For example, here is you how can run evaluation for Faithfulness to detect if the response is contradictory or unfaithful to the context:

context_based_evals = Dataset.from_pandas(
    data_definition=DataDefinition(text_columns=["Question", "Context", "Response"]),
    descriptors=[FaithfulnessLLMEval("Response", context="Context")]

Here is an example result:

You can add other useful checks over your final response like:

  • Length constraints: are responses within expected limits?

  • Refusal rate: monitoring how often the system declines questions.

  • String matching: checking for required wording (e.g., disclaimers).

  • Response tone: ensuring responses match the intended style.

Available evaluators. Check a full list of available descriptors.

4. Get Reports

Once you have defined what you are evaluating, you can group all your evals in a Report to summarize the results across multiple tested inputs.

Let’s put it all together.

Score data. Once you have a pandas dataframe synthetic_df, you create an Evidently dataset object and choose the selected descriptors by simply listing them.

context_based_evals = Dataset.from_pandas(
        text_columns=["Question", "Context", "Response"],
        FaithfulnessLLMEval("Response", context="Context"),
        ContextQualityLLMEval("Context", question="Question"),
# context_based_evals.as_dataframe()

Get a Report. Instead of rendering the results as a dataframe, you create a Report.

report = Report([

my_eval =, None)

This will render an HTML report in the notebook cell. You can use other export options, like as_dict() for a Python dictionary output.

This lets you see a well-rounded evaluation. In this toy example, we can see that the system generally retrieves the right data well but struggles with generation. The next step could be improving your prompt to ensure responses stay true to context.

Add test conditions. You can also set up explicit pass/fail tests based on expected score distributions using the Tests. These are conditional expectations you add to metrics.

report = Report([
    CategoryCount(column="Faithfulness", category="FAITHFUL", tests=[eq(0)]),
    CategoryCount(column="ContextQuality", category="INVALID", tests=[eq(0)])

my_eval =, None)

In this case, we expect all retrieved contexts to be valid and all responses to be faithful, so our tests fail. You can adjust these conditions — for example, allowing a certain percentage of responses to fail.

5. Upload to Evidently Cloud

To be able to easily run and compare evals, systematically track the results, and interact with your evaluation dataset, you can use the Evidently Cloud platform.

Set up Evidently Cloud

  • Sign up for a free Evidently Cloud account.

  • Create an Organization if you log in for the first time. Get an ID of your organization. (Link).

  • Get an API token. Click the Key icon in the left menu. Generate and save the token. (Link).

Import the components to connect with Evidently Cloud:

from import CloudWorkspace

Create a Project

Connect to Evidently Cloud using your API token:

ws = CloudWorkspace(token="YOUR_API_TOKEN", url="")

Create a Project within your Organization, or connect to an existing Project:

project = ws.create_project("My project name", org_id="YOUR_ORG_ID")
project.description = "My project description"

# or project = ws.get_project("PROJECT_ID")

Alternatively, retrieve an existing project:

# project = ws.get_project("PROJECT_ID")

Send your eval

Since you already created the eval, you can simply upload it to the Evidently Cloud.

ws.add_run(, my_eval, include_data=True)

You can then go to the Evidently Cloud, open your Project and explore the Report with scored data that’s easy to interact with.

What’s Next?

Considering implementing a regression testing at every update to monitor how your RAG system retrieval and response quality changes.