This guide explains the key changes introduced in Evidently 0.6. If you’re new to Evidently, skip this page and head directly to the Quickstart for ML or LLM.

What changed?

Evidently 0.6 introduces an update to the core API with breaking changes. Read more in the blog.

Currently this new API is available when you import components from evidently.future. This API will become the default in the upcoming 1.0 release.

Both old and new APIs currently co-exist in the library. You can still access the earlier Evidently API inside versions 0.6 and later, so that you have time to adapt. The old docs are here.

Data Definition

We replaced column_mapping with data_definition. Now, you also need to explicitly create an Evidently Dataset object instead of just passing a dataframe when running a Report. Each Dataset object has an associated DataDefinition.

While similar to column mapping, this new structure lets you cleanly map input columns based on their type (e.g., categorical, numerical, datetime, text) and role (e.g., target, prediction, timestamp). A column can have both a type and role.

You can also now map multiple targets and predictions inside the same table: e.g., if you deal with multiple regression or have several classification results in one table.

Automated column type/role mapping is still available. Additionally, new mappings for LLM use cases, like RAG, will be supported.

Data Definition

Docs on mapping the input data.


Descriptors provide row-level text evaluations, ranging from basic checks (e.g., text length) to LLM-based evals (e.g., checking for contradictions). With the increasing focus on LLM-related metrics, we’ve updated the text descriptors API to make it more logical and easier to use.

Descriptor computation is now split into two steps:

1. Compute Descriptors. Add them to the source table containing inputs and outputs. You can do this together with data definition. For example:

eval_data = Dataset.from_pandas(
        text_columns=["question", "answer"]),
        Sentiment("answer", alias="Sentiment"),
        TextLength("answer", alias="Length"),
        IncludesWords("answer", words_list=['sorry', 'apologize'], alias="Denials"),

2. Aggregate results or run conditional checks. Use these descriptors like any other dataset column when creating a Report. For example, here is how you summarize all descriptors and check that the text length is under 100 symbols.

report = Report([
    MaxValue(column="Length", tests=[lt(100)]),

This decoupling means you can reuse descriptor outputs for multiple tests or aggregations without recomputation. It’s especially useful for LLM evaluations.


Docs on adding descriptors.

New Reports API

As you may have noticed in the example above, we made the changes to the core Report API. Here is how generating a Report with data summary preset for a single dataset works now:

eval_data = Dataset.from_pandas(

report = Report([

my_eval =, None)

Key changes:

  • The Report object now defines the configuration (e.g., metrics to include).
  • Running a Report returns a separate result object.


How to generate Reports.

Additional improvement: you can also now use “Group by” to compute metrics for specific segments.

We are also adding an option to rename Reference/Current data in the Report render.

Test Suites joined with Reports

Most importantly, Reports and Tests are now unified. Previously, these were separate:

  • Reports provided an overview of metrics (e.g., distribution summaries, statistics).
  • Tests verify pass/fail conditions (e.g., check for missing data or LLM quality thresholds).

Now, the Test Suite mode is an optional extension of a Report. If you choose to enable Tests, their results appear as a separate tab in the same HTML file. This eliminated duplication and the need to switch between separate files or Reports.

For example, here is how you add a Test on max length that will appear in the same Report as all data / column statistics.

report = Report([
     MaxValue(column="Length", tests=[lt(100)]),

You can still use auto-generated Test conditions based on your reference dataset or define your own expectations.


How to add Tests with conditions.

Metric redesign

The Metric object has been simplified:

  • Metrics now produce a single computation result with a fixed structure.
  • Visualization types can be specified directly as parameters to the Metric.

This redesign significantly improves JSON result parsing and UI integration, since each Metric has a single or two results only.

You can check the list of new Metrics here:


All available Metrics.

To get a pre-built combination of multiple checks at once, you can still use Presets.

Simplified Dashboard API

With the redesigned Metrics, the Dashboard API is now much, much simpler. You can create new panels and point to specific Metric results with a strictly fixed set of options.


How to add Dashboard panels.

Additional improvement: custom metrics with custom renders are now viewable in the UI, which was not previously supported.