Add a custom text descriptor

How to add custom text descriptors.

You can implement custom row-level evaluations for text data that you will later use just like any other descriptor across Metrics and Tests. You can implement descriptors that use a single column or two columns.

Note that if you want to use LLM-based evaluations, you can write custom prompts using LLM judge templates.

Code example

Refer to a How-to example:

Custom descriptors


from evidently.descriptors import CustomColumnEval, CustomPairColumnEval

Single column descriptor

You can create a custom descriptor that will take a single column from your dataset and run a certain evaluation for each row.

Implement your evaluation as a Python function. It will take a pandas Series as input and return a transformed Series.

Here, the is_empty_string_callable function takes a column of strings and returns an "EMPTY" or "NON EMPTY" outcome for each.

def is_empty_string_callable(val1):
    return pd.Series(["EMPTY" if val == "" else "NON EMPTY" for val in val1], index=val1.index)

Create a custom descriptor. Create an example of CustomColumnEval class to wrap the evaluation logic into an object that you can later use to process specific dataset input.

empty_string = CustomColumnEval(
    display_name="Empty response"


  • func: Callable[[pd.Series], pd.Series] is a function that returns a transformed pandas Series.

  • display_name: str is the new descriptor's name that will appear in Reports and Test Suites.

  • feature_type is the type of descriptor that the function returns (cat for categorical, num for numerical)

Apply the new descriptor. To create a Report with a new Descriptor, pass it as a column_name to the ColumnSummaryMetric. This will compute the new descriptor for all rows in the specified column and summarize its distribution:

report = Report(metrics=[

Run the Report on your df dataframe as usual:, 

Double column descriptor

You can create a custom descriptor that will take two columns from your dataset and will run a certain evaluation for each row. (For example, for pairwise evaluators).

Implement your evaluation as a Python function. Here, the exact_match_callable function takes two columns and checks whether each pair of values is the same, returning "MATCH" if they are equal and "MISMATCH" if they are not.

def exact_match_callable(val1, val2):
    return pd.Series(["MATCH" if val else "MISMATCH" for val in val1 == val2])

Create a custom descriptor. Create an example of the CustomPairColumnEval class to wrap the evaluation logic into an object that you can later use to process two named columns in a dataset.

exact_match =  CustomPairColumnEval(
    display_name="Exact match between response and question"


  • func: Callable[[pd.Series, pd.Series], pd.Series] is a function that returns a transformed pandas Series after evaluating two columns.

  • first_column: str is the name of the first column to be passed into the function.

  • second_column: str is the name of the second column to be passed into the function.

  • display_name: str is the new descriptor's name that will appear in Reports and Test Suites.

  • feature_type is the type of descriptor that the function returns (cat for categorical, num for numerical).

Apply the new descriptor. To create a Report with a new Descriptor, pass it as a column_name to the ColumnSummaryMetric. This will compute the new descriptor for all rows in the dataset and summarize its distribution:

report = Report(metrics=[

Run the Report on your df dataframe as usual:, 

Last updated