Set up tracing

Set up LLM tracing with tracely.

For an end-to-end example, check the Tracing Quickstart.

Installation and Imports

Install the tracely package from PyPi.

!pip install tracely 


from tracely import init_tracing
from tracely import trace_event

Initialize tracing

Use init_tracing to enable tracely tracing. Example:


Tracing parameters



address: Optional[str]

The URL of the collector service where tracing data will be sent. For Evidently Cloud, set Required: No, Default: None

exporter_type: Optional[str]

Specifies the type of exporter to use for tracing. Options are grpc for gRPC protocol or http for HTTP protocol. Required: No, Default: None

api_key: Optional[str]

The authorization API key for Evidently Cloud tracing. This key authenticates your requests and is necessary for sending data to Evidently Cloud. Required: No, Default: None

team_id: Optional[str]

The ID of your team in Evidently Cloud. This is used to organize and group tracing data under your specific team in the Evidently Cloud UI. Required: No, Default: None

export_name: Optional[str]

A string name assigned to the exported tracing data. All data with the same export_name will be grouped into a single dataset. Required: No, Default: None

as_global: bool = True

Indicates whether to register the tracing provider globally for OpenTelemetry (opentelemetry.trace.TracerProvider) or use it locally within a scope. Default: True

Tracing a function

To trace a function call use trace_event() decorator.

Example 1. To log all arguments of the function:


Example 2. To log only input arguments of the function:


Example 3. To log only "arg1" and "arg2":

@trace_event(track_args=["arg1", "arg2"])

See the Tracing Quickstart for an end-to-end example.



span_name: Optional[str]

The name of the span to track. This is how the event will be labeled in the trace. By giving it a name, you can identify and analyze this particular step within your tracing data. Required: No, Default: None

track_args: Optional[List[str]]

A list of arguments to capture during tracing. If set to None, it captures all arguments by default. If set to [], it captures no arguments. Required: No, Default: None

ignore_args: Optional[List[str]]

A list of arguments to ignore from tracking. For instance, if a function has sensitive information that you don’t want to log, you can list those arguments here. If set to None, no arguments are ignored. Required: No, Default: None

track_output: Optional[bool]

Indicates whether to track the output of the function call. If set to True, the trace will include the function’s output, allowing you to see not just what was passed in but also what was returned. Required: No, Default: True

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