Input data

How to prepare the data.

This section applies both to Dashboards and Profiles.

Data preparation

If you work in the notebook, you should prepare the data as a pandas.DataFrame. If you use command-line interface, you need the csv files.

To generate the dashboards and profiles, Evidently usually performs comparison between two datasets.

  • The first dataset is the reference. This can be training or earlier production data that serves as a baseline for comparison.

  • The second dataset is current. It can include the recent production data.

You can prepare two separate datasets. You can also prepare only one dataset and identify the rows that refer to reference and current data accordingly.

For some reports (e.g. model performance), the second dataset is optional. You can generate a dashboard with no comparison performed. In this case, simply pass a single dataset.

If your dataset is large, we suggest taking a sample. If you work in the notebook, you can do that with pandas before generating the dashboard. If you work using CLI, you can specify that in the configuration.

Reference and current datasets

We call the datasets "reference" and "current". This corresponds to the production model evaluation scenario.

In practice, you can use Evidently to compare two datasets in different scenarios, for example:

  • Training vs Test

    • To compare the model performance on a hold-out Test to the Training.

    • Pass the training data as "Reference", and test data as "Current".

  • Production vs Training

    • To compare the Production model performance to the Training period.

    • Pass the training data as "Reference", and production data as "Current".

  • Current performance vs Past

    • To compare the Current production performance to an Earlier period.

    • For example, to compare the last week to the previous week or month.

    • Pass the earlier data as "Reference", and newer data as "Current".

  • Compare any two models or datasets

    • For example, to estimate the historical drift for different windows in your training data or to compare how two models perform in the test.

    • Pass the first dataset as "Reference", and the second as "Current".

If you are generating the performance report for a single dataset, pass it as "Reference".

Dataset structure

The expected data schema is different depending on the report type.

  • For the Data Drift report, include the input features only.

  • For the Target Drift reports, include the input features and Target and/or the Prediction column.

  • For the Model Performance reports, include the input features, Target, and Prediction.

If you include more columns than needed for a given report, they will be ignored.

If you pass two datasets, the structure of both datasets should be identical.

Below is a summary of the data requirements:

DataFrame requirements

Make sure the data complies with the following expectations.

1) All column names are string

2) All feature columns that are analyzed for drift have the numerical type (np.number)

  • All non-numerical columns will be ignored. Categorical data can be encoded as numerical labels and specified in the column mapping.

  • The datetime column is the only exception. If available, it will be used as the x-axis in the data plots.

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