Generate dashboards

How to generate dashboards in Evidently.

After installation, import evidently and the required tabs:

import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets

from evidently.dashboard import Dashboard
from evidently.dashboard.tabs import (

Create a pandas.DataFrame with the dataset to analyze:

iris = datasets.load_iris()
iris_frame = pd.DataFrame(, columns = iris.feature_names)

You can choose one or several of the following Tabs.

  • DataDriftTab to estimate the data drift

  • NumTargetDriftTab to estimate target drift for the numerical target (for problem statements with the numerical target function: regression, probabilistic classification or ranking, etc.)

  • CatTargetDriftTab to estimate target drift for the categorical target (for problem statements with the categorical target function: binary classification, multi-class classification, etc.)

  • RegressionPerformanceTab to explore the performance of a regression model.

  • ClassificationPerformanceTab to explore the performance of a classification model.

  • ProbClassificationPerformanceTab to explore the performance of a probabilistic classification model and the quality of the model calibration.

You can generate the report without specifying the ColumnMapping:

drift_dashboard = Dashboard(tabs=[DataDriftTab()])
drift_dashboard.calculate(reference_data, recent_data)

And with the column_mapping specification:

drift_dashboard_with_mapping = Dashboard(tabs=[DataDriftTab()])
drift_dashboard_with_mapping.calculate(reference_data, recent_data, 

Display the dashboard in Jupyter notebook

You can display the chosen Tabs in a single Dashboard directly in the notebook:

If the report is not displayed, this might be due to the dataset size. The dashboard contains the data necessary to generate interactive plots and can become large. The limitation depends on infrastructure. In this case, we suggest applying sampling to your dataset. In Jupyter notebook, that can be done directly with pandas. You can also generate JSON profiles instead.

Export the report as an HTML file

You can save the report as an HTML file, and open it in your browser."reports/my_report.html")

If you get a security alert, press "trust HTML".

You will need to specify the path where to save your report and the report name. The report will not open automatically. To explore it, you should open it from the destination folder.

Code examples

To generate the Data Drift report and save it as HTML, run:

iris_data_drift_report = Dashboard(tabs=[DataDriftTab])
iris_data_drift_report.calculate(iris_frame[:75], iris_frame[75:], 
    column_mapping = None)"reports/my_report.html")

To generate the Data Drift and the Categorical Target Drift reports, first add a target (and/or prediction) column to the initial dataset:

iris_frame['target'] =

Then run:

iris_data_and_target_drift_report = Dashboard(tabs=[DataDriftTab, CatTargetDriftTab])
iris_data_and_target_drift_report.calculate(iris_frame[:75], iris_frame[75:], 

If you get a security alert, press "trust html". The HTML report does not open automatically. To explore it, you should open it from the destination folder.

To generate the Regression Model Performance report, run:

regression_model_performance = Dashboard(tabs=[RegressionPerformanceTab]) 
regression_model_performance.calculate(reference_data, current_data, 

For Regression Model Performance report from a singleDataFrame , run:

regression_single_model_performance = Dashboard(tabs=[RegressionPerformanceTab])
regression_single_model_performance.calculate(reference_data, None, 

To generate the Classification Model Performance report, run:

classification_performance_report = Dashboard(tabs=[ClassificationPerformanceTab])
classification_performance_report.calculate(reference_data, current_data, 

For Probabilistic Classification Model Performance report, run:

classification_performance_report = Dashboard(tabs=[ProbClassificationPerformanceTab])
classification_performance_report.calculate(reference_data, current_data, 

For a classification reports from a single DataFrame, run:

classification_single_model_performance = Dashboard(tabs=[ClassificationPerformanceTab])
classification_single_model_performance.calculate(reference_data, None, 

For a probabilistic classification report from a single DataFrame, run:

prob_classification_single_model_performance = Dashboard(tabs=[ProbClassificationPerformanceTab])
prob_classification_single_model_performance.calculate(reference_data, None, 

Last updated