Evidently LLM Quickstart

LLM evaluation "Hello world."

You can run this example in Colab or any Python environment.

1. Installation

Install the Evidently Python library.

!pip install evidently[llm]

Import the necessary components:

import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets
from evidently.report import Report
from evidently.metric_preset import TextEvals
from evidently.descriptors import *

Optional. Import the components to send evaluation results to Evidently Cloud:

from evidently.ui.workspace.cloud import CloudWorkspace

2. Import the toy dataset

Import a toy dataset with e-commerce reviews. It contains a column with "Review_Text". You will take 100 rows to analyze.

reviews_data = datasets.fetch_openml(
    version=2, as_frame='auto')
reviews = reviews_data.frame[:100]

3. Run your first eval

Run a few basic evaluations for all texts in the "Review_Text" column:

  • text sentiment (measured on a scale from -1 for negative to 1 for positive)

  • text length (returns an absolute number of symbols)

text_evals_report = Report(metrics=[
    TextEvals(column_name="Review_Text", descriptors=[

text_evals_report.run(reference_data=None, current_data=reviews)

There are 20+ built-in evals to choose from. You can also create custom ones, including LLM-as-a-judge. We call the result of each such evaluation a descriptor.

View a Report in Python:


You will see the summary results: the distribution of length and sentiment for all evaluated texts.

4. Send results to Evidently Cloud

To record and monitor evaluations over time, send them to Evidently Cloud.

  • Sign up. Create an Evidently Cloud account and your Organization.

  • Add a Team. Click Teams in the left menu. Create a Team, copy and save the Team ID. (Team page).

  • Get your API token. Click the Key icon in the left menu to go. Generate and save the token. (Token page).

  • Connect to Evidently Cloud. Pass your API key to connect from your Python environment.

ws = CloudWorkspace(token="YOUR_API_TOKEN", url="https://app.evidently.cloud")
  • Create a Project. Create a new Project inside your Team, adding your title and description:

project = ws.create_project("My test project", team_id="YOUR_TEAM_ID")
project.description = "My project description"
  • Upload the Report to the Project. Send the evaluation results:

ws.add_report(project.id, text_evals_report)
  • View the Report. Go to the Evidently Cloud. Open your Project and head to the "Reports" in the left menu. (Cloud home).

5. Get a dashboard

Go to the "Dashboard" tab and enter the "Edit" mode. Add a new tab, and select the "Descriptors" template.

You'll see a set of panels that show Sentiment and Text Length with a single data point. As you log ongoing evaluation results, you can track trends and set up alerts.

Want to see more?

Check out a more in-depth tutorial to learn key workflows. It covers using LLM-as-a-judge, running conditional test suites, monitoring results over time, and more.

pageTutorial - LLM Evaluation

Last updated