Manage Projects

Set up a Project for your evaluation or monitoring use case.

Before creating a Project, you need a Workspace.

Create a Project

You can create a Project using the Python API or directly in the user interface.

Add a new Project - API

To create a Project inside a workspace ws and Organization (see organizations) with an org_id, assign a name and description, and save the changes:

project = ws.create_project("My test project", org_id="YOUR_ORG_ID")
project.description = "My project description"

In self-hosted open-source installation, you do not need to pass the Team ID. To create a Project:

project = ws.create_project("My test project")
project.description = "My project description"

Add a new Project - UI

Click on the “plus” sign on the home page, type your Project name and description.

After creating a Project, you can click to open a Dashboard. Since there's no data yet, it will be empty.

Project ID. Once you run create_project, you will see the Project ID. You can later use it to reference the Project. You can also copy the Project ID directly from the UI: it appears above the monitoring Dashboard.

Manage Project

Connect to a Project

To connect to an existing Project from Python, use the get_project method.

project = ws.get_project("PROJECT_ID")

Save changes

After making changes to the Project (such as editing description or adding monitoring Panels), always use the save() command:

Browse Projects

You can see all available Projects on the monitoring homepage, or request a list programmatically. To get a list of all Projects in a workspace ws, use:


To find a specific Project by its name, use the search_project method:


[DANGER] Delete Project

You are deleting the data in a Project. If you delete a Project, you will delete all the snapshots stored inside it.

To delete the Project and all the data inside it:

# ws.delete_project("PROJECT ID")

Project parameters

Each Project has the following parameters.


name: str

Project name.

id: UUID4 = Field(default_factory=uuid.uuid4)

Unique identifier of the Project. Assigned automatically.

description: Optional[str] = None

Optional description. Visible when you browse Projects.

dashboard: DashboardConfig

Dashboard configuration that describes the composition of the monitoring Panels. Note: See Dashboard Design for details. You don't need to explicitly pass DashboardConfig if you use the .dashboard.add_panel method to add Panels.

date_from: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None

Start DateTime of the monitoring Dashboard. By default, Evidently shows data for all available periods based on the snapshot timestamps. You can set a different DateTime. E.g., to refer to the last 30 days: from datetime import datetime, timedelta + timedelta(-30)

date_to: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None

End DateTime of the monitoring Dashboard. Works the same as above.

What’s next?

Once you create or connect to a Project, you can:

Last updated