Select Widgets

You can decide which components to include in the Dashboards or HTML Reports.

There are two ways to modify the composition of the default Evidently reports.

1. Choose between the short and full version

We have two levels of verbosity for each Tab. To change it, you need to specify the verbose_level parameter when you define the Dashboard.

dashboard = Dashboard(tabs=[RegressionPerformanceTab(verbose_level=1)])
  • verbose_level==1 - full report

  • verbose_level==0 - short report

The short report contains a reduced number of widgets.

2. Specify the exact list of widgets in the Tabs

You can also specify the individual widgets you want to include in a given Tab.

To select the widgets in the Tab, you should define the include_widgets parameter in the Tab class. To see the available widgets, run the list_widgets() method of the Tab object:


Next, choose the widgets you need (include_widgets overwrites the verbose_level parameter):

dashboard = Dashboard(tabs=[RegressionPerformanceTab(verbose_level=0, include_widgets=[
    "Regression Model Performance Report.",
    "Reference: Error Distribution",
    "Current: Error Distribution",

The widgets will appear in the Tab in the same order as listed.

You can also add your own custom widgets.

Last updated